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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Media Foundation For West Africa - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Global Media Registry

Media Ownership

When looking at the companies that run popular media outlets, it becomes obvious: a high number of TV outlets, radio channels or newspapers, does not necessarily mean a pluralistic media landscape.  The print sector is dominated by the state-owned companies. The broadcasting sector shows concentration as the audience turns towards outlets that are owned and operated by a rather small numbers of bigger media companies. Their brands are dominant across TV, radio and in most cases online media, which makes them powerful with the lion’s share in terms of audience and advertisement. Examples are Despite Group of Companies, the Multimedia Group Limited  and the Excellence In Broadcasting Network Limited.  

And who owns those companies?

As the audience turns towards only few media outlets run by a few media companies to get informed, a handful of media owners gain considerable influence over public opinion. When shedding light on those individuals, two phenomena are revealed:  A significant high number of media owners face conflicts of interest as they are active in or close to the political system. A strikingly low number is female.

  • Project by
    Global Media Registry
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  • With kind support from